Does Owens and Minor Hire Felons?

For a felon, life after serving a sentence can be quite challenging. Finding decent accommodation or a well-paying job is not very easy.

Most companies don’t have a clear policy about hiring felons and strict background checks make it difficult to get hired. Some companies also deny employment to people with any kind of criminal record due to the sensitivity of the work they undertake.

Owens and Minor is a company that operates in the healthcare domain. If you have any previous experience in the healthcare sector, you might want to apply at Owens and Minor but, do they hire felons?

Does Owens and Minor Hire Felons?

Based on our research and other information available in the public domain, we couldn’t find any instance of them hiring felons. However, we couldn’t find any official policy against hiring felons on their official websites either.

So, if you have served time for a minor felony or misdemeanor offense or a DUI misdemeanor, you can take your chances and apply for a suitable job opening.

Does Owens and Minor conduct background checks?

Yes. Owens and Minor conducts background and drug tests on all potential employees. Background checks include criminal history, credit reports, and employment records.

It is always better to disclose any criminal record you might have since withholding such information can be considered fraud and can have serious consequences.

They might even ask for a urine sample for a drug test after the interview. Refusing a drug test can be grounds for denying employment.

Suggested action

Although the chances of getting hired at Owens and Minor with a criminal record are very low, there are many other employers that provide employment to felons. These are the suggested actions you can take in order to get hired

  • Get your records expunged or sealed – Many state laws allow felons to get their records expunged or sealed after a period of 8 to 10 years. Expunged records do not show up in background checks and can significantly increase your odds of finding a job
  • ReSkill or UpSkill – If you have spent a considerable amount of time behind the bars then possibly your skills are not outdated or no longer employable. In such situations, learning a new trade skill or a job-related skill can help you get eligible for other roles you can apply for.
  • Apply for Local Jobs – Big corporations have a tedious and strict hiring process. They have numerous steps that include background checks and drug tests. Prospects of getting hired as a big firm are very low especially if you have completed your jail term recently. Local store owners are a bit more considerate towards felons especially if they are from the same neighborhood. Finding a job at a local store or as a delivery boy at a local restaurant will be much easier than getting into a big company.
  • Try Temp jobs – Temp jobs are temporary jobs that last for a duration of few weeks. They are usually in the field of construction, hospitality, food delivery, etc. Temp jobs are provided by Temp agencies that are essentially staffing agencies that take care of the hiring process on behalf of big companies. The hiring princess is usually less stringent and doesn’t involve a background check in most cases. You can work on a temp job to support yourself unless you find a permanent job.

About Owens and Minor

Owens and Minor is a global healthcare solutions company that deals with the manufacturing and supply chain management of surgical and healthcare goods across different levels of the healthcare industry.

Owens and Minor is a Fortune 500 company with more than 15,000 employees and caters to more than 4000 clients across North America, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.

Apart from healthcare products, they also provide transformational supply chain services, distributional solutions, and patient-direct offerings.